That's right, he's flying in just to teach you how to use all this new product from the Wild Asparagus and 29th Street Market line. You do not want to miss this! Here are the details:
Dates: Saturday, May 24th 3:00-4:30
& Sunday, May 25th 1:00-2:30
Cost: $20 per person per class.
What's Included: All supplies to make one of the following pages along with a second surprise page, making it a 2-page layout. Plus we'll have prizes and goodies throughout the class.
What to Bring: Basic supplies such as adhesive, paper cutter, and scissors.
Please call the shop today to sign up, space is very limited.
813-269-7946 or e-mail us at
denise@scraporium.comEveryone who comes to the class will receive a special discount on all the brand new Wild Asparagus and 29th Street Market line during the class.

The Outdoors page will be taught on Saturday, May 24th at 3:00pm

The Summer class will be taught Sunday, May 25th.